Renowned traditional herbalist Sylvia Namutebi alias Mama Fiina has made a public plea to have Pastor Aloysius Bugingo and Wilson Bugembe lead prayers at her funeral.

Mama Fiina made the announcement public as she expressed her anger toward the Catholic Church priests who refused to hold prayers for the late Hon. Kato Paul Lubwama.

The priests cited that the late Lubwama did not believe in God and always stated how he had his faith in traditional healing.

His relatives and other people were disgusted by the decision made by priests saying it was uncalled for adding that at certain moments Kato Lubwama contributed money to the construction of some Churches in Kampala.

Speaking at the late Kato Lubwama’s final funeral session, Mama Fiina used the opportunity to authorize Pastors Aloysius Bujingo and Wilson Bugembe to lead prayers at her funeral ceremony on the day she will breathe her last.

Mama Fiina said that Pastor Bujingo will lead the prayers at her funeral but in case her funeral finds him busy, then Pastor Bugembe should take over the mandate to do the needful.

She went ahead to praise the two pastors for being exemplary and considerate saying that if prayers were led by the other priests they would have not been as exciting as the one that was led by Pastor Aloysius Bugingo.

Easy but not talkative, Music Lover, DM for any leads in local entertainment.

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