Events promoter Norbert Twizire a.k.a Nobat Events has openly declared that he is working tooth and nail to have the TikTok App banned in Uganda.

Nobat Events explains that TikTok has some good content but he believes the negatives about the app overweigh the positives.

He elaborated that if he is to compare now to back then, TV viewership and radio listenership hugely declined because people no longer give in time to listen to live broadcasts as they always believe that they will find the content on TikTok free of charge.

He used the opportunity to call upon the CEO of Next Media Services Mr. Kin Kariisa to join him in the struggle to fight TikTok so that it gets banned from Uganda.

I want to request Mr. Kin Kariisa to join me in the struggle am heading to have TikTok banned in Uganda. At the moment, TV viewership and Radio listeners have declined because people are comfortable that they can get the content from TikTok.

Nobat Events

Nobat Events opened war against TikTok following the quick rise of Alien Skin. He claims TikTokers staged a concert against his favorite artist Pallaso within just a period of four days that registered huge success.

Following the fact that the show was front-lined by Abtex, Nobat Events moved a motion to have him impeached as the interim president of the Uganda National Promoters Federation (UNPF) for violating the rules and regulations of the federation.

Easy but not talkative, Music Lover, DM for any leads in local entertainment.

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